The EMAC model

The EMAC model

EMAC is a global chemistry climate model, developed by a consortium of several German research centers and universities.
EMAC is based on the general circulation model ECHAM5, but is augmented by MESSy (Modular Earth Submodel System), which include interface components as well as so-called "submodels" to describe physical and chemical processes in the Earth System and their feedbacks within the climate system.
A series of these submodels have been developed by our research team.

A central goal of this modelling system is the capability of conducting numerous sensitivity studies on processes with the same executable to increase the reproducibility of results and allow for a selection of simulation studies with flexible complexity.
EMAC has been applied in numerous studies, including the chemistry climate model intercomparison (CCMI) projects and the latest IPCC intercomparison projects (AERChemMip).


A more extensive overview of EMAC and MESSy can be found at