Topics for Bachelor theses:
If you are interested in a Bachelor thesis in the group "Environmental Modelling in the Climate System", please contact Prof. Dr. Holger Tost directly.
- Comparison of ceilometer aerosol backscatter data with in situ sampling of PM using a low cost sensor.
- Improvement of the signal to noise ratio for Ceilometer data to better identify structures in the atmosphere (aerosol layers, clouds)
- Determination of cloudiness and precipitation from Ceilometer data: It is planned to use the time series of the ceilometer data to a) determine the total cloudiness time for multiple cloud layers. Additionally, the rain shafts for the lowermost troposphere, e.g. vertically extending signals from the surface throughout the boundary layer, shall be analysed and compared with the precipitation observations.
- Determination of AOD from Ceilometer measurements: Time series of Ceilometer backscatter data shall be used in conjunction with AOD data from the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry to derive statistical relationships and fitting functions suitable for an AOD determination directly out of the backscatter data.
- Radiative Flux "climatology" at the IPA in conjunction with satellite data:
The data from three radiation sensors at the IPA measurement sites shall be analysed and intercompared. Furthermore, additional data from the SEVIRI instrument for the location of Mainz shall be used and total cloudiness and aerosol extinction shall be derived, based on the theoretically possible radiative fluxes. - Organisation of convective clouds based on superparameterised model output(Analyse des Organisationsgrades konvektiver Wolken basierend auf Modelloutput).
Model simulations applying a convective superparameterisation can provide detailed global information about small scale features of convection. The project aims at analysing the degree of organisation of convection with typical organisation indices across the CRM cells within one GCM grid cell. This should be performed for various regions and seasons. A key point of the analysis is whether the degree of organisation is consistent across the GCM gridcells. - Numerical experiments with solubility factors and transfer coefficients to determine phase change of trace gases with liquid and solid hydrometeors.
Additional topics can be discussed on request.